Content Writers Wanted: Call for Pitches to WritersResidence.com
Written by Monica Shaw
This is great opportunity to write about a craft you love: writing!
We are a Software As A Service (SaaS) that allows writers to create a writing portfolio to market their work. As part of our growth strategy, we are amping up the content we deliver through our blog. The aim is twofold: (1) to increase organic search traffic and (2) to increase conversions of readers to trial users of our service.
To this end, we are seeking contributors who can write about topics relevant to our audience, or one of our audiences (more on that below). Contributions will feature on our blog and should be at least 2,000 words in length. Posts should be authoritative and professional, while also possessing a unique voice that conveys it was written by a human with a great personality (you can see how I've injected some of my own background and personal style in my own blog posts that are already on the site ).
We aim to reach writers who are interested in career growth. We encourage content that isn't directly related to writing portfolios, but with opportunity to create a connection between the topic of the post and creating an online writing portfolio (e.g. a post about "Resources for Freelance Writing Jobs" could handily contain top tips for job applicants that includes having a killer online writing portfolio).
All submissions will be credited to you with a byline and link of your choosing, so this is a great opportunity to get a fresh sample for your own writing portfolio, while also gaining exposure to your own projects.
We aim to publish as regularly as budget and quality submissions allow, and hope to develop the blog into a great resource for writers featuring a whole host of authoritative personalities on a variety of topics. As we are in the business of helping writers succeed, it is very exciting to be at a point in our growth where we can offer writers not just a portfolio, but actual paid gigs to add to their portfolio!
Guidelines for submissions
Please send us...
- The title of your blog post and a short paragraph describing your idea
- Your rate - we value quality content and pay fairly, so please quote a fair price for your work
- Keyword targeting - posts should target SEO keywords relevant to our audience - please specify the keyword(s) you're targeting in the pitch
- A few samples of your work
- Send your pitches to monica@writersresidence.com
About our audience
Writer's Residence is particularly popular among freelance writers, content writers, journalists, and copywriters of all sorts. We also have a growing number of students joining the site. Our audience is largely based in the USA.
Visit WritersResidence.com to learn more about the product and how it works. I'm excited to read your pitches!
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