How To Create Impressive Writing Samples For Job Applications + Examples

Written by Monica Shaw

If you're pursuing a writing job, whether freelance or more permanent, chances are the person hiring will want to see some writing samples. But what makes for a truly great writing sample that will impress potential clients, editors, and hiring managers?

To help you along the way, I've put together this post which includes:

  • Examples of writing samples for different types of writing jobs 
  • How to present your writing samples 
  • How to format your writing sample for your job application 
  • How to create an online writing portfolio for presenting your work in the best way possible.

Remember, it's not just the sample that matters but also how you present it. My top tip: compile your writing samples into an online writing portfolio so that they’re easy to share with one simple link (you can create a portfolio in less than 20 minutes with our easy-to-use writer website builder with templates designed to make your writing samples look great, and one-on-one support from yours truly).

What Can I Use as a Writing Sample for a Job Application?

What is a writing sample? The sky's the limit! 

There are many types of works you can use as a writing sample! It all depends on the job or gig you are targeting. Your samples don’t need to be previously published works; even self-published blog posts can be effective in a professional setting. In my early freelance days, I used blog posts on food and travel to successfully pitch to newspapers and magazines on similar topics. It’s all about showing your relevant skills and experience. (Read more about how I got my first writing gig and how to create a writing portfolio with no experience.)

Examples of Writing Samples for Different Types of Writing Jobs:


Copywriting samples typically showcase persuasive, engaging, and concise writing aimed at driving action:

  • Brochures: Mock brochures for products, services, or companies, highlighting benefits, features, and calls to action.
  • Website Content: Samples of homepage, About Us, and service or product pages, emphasizing brand voice and value propositions.
  • Landing Pages: Persuasive landing pages tailored to specific offers or campaigns, with elements like headlines, bullet points, testimonials, and calls to action.
  • Email Campaigns: Promotional, welcome, or re-engagement emails, demonstrating skills in crafting subject lines and engaging content.
  • Social Media Ads: Short, attention-grabbing ad copy for platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, or Twitter.
  • Taglines and Slogans: Memorable taglines or slogans for brands, products, or campaigns.
    Product Descriptions: Engaging descriptions for e-commerce sites that highlight features, benefits, and unique selling points.

Research and Reporting

Writing samples in research and reporting demonstrate the ability to synthesize information and present it clearly:

  • Business Reports: Market analysis, competitor analysis, or performance reviews, showcasing data-driven insights and recommendations.
  • Case Studies: Success stories illustrating problem-solving scenarios for businesses or clients.
    Industry Analysis: Reports on current trends, challenges, or future predictions within a specific industry.
  • Surveys and Polls: Reports based on survey data, showing the ability to interpret and present findings insightfully.
  • White Papers: In-depth papers addressing business issues, market strategies, or innovations.

Content Writing

Content writing encompasses a variety of formats aimed at informing or engaging an audience:

  • SEO-Optimized Blog Posts: Blog posts on relevant topics, incorporating SEO best practices like keyword optimization and engaging headings.
  • How-To Guides: Step-by-step guides on niche-relevant topics that educate and provide practical advice.
  • Listicles: Articles in list format, such as “Top 10 Tools for Remote Work,” known for their easy-to-digest and shareable nature.
  • E-books and Lead Magnets: Short e-books or downloadable guides that provide value and demonstrate expertise in long-form content.
  • Social Media Content: Content plans or posts for platforms, adapting style and tone to fit different audiences.


Journalism samples highlight storytelling, fact-checking, and a clear, unbiased writing style:

  • Articles from a Student Newspaper: Pieces from school newspapers or similar publications, or new samples on current events or feature stories.
  • Feature Articles: In-depth profiles or human-interest stories that require narrative style and research.
  • Op-Ed or Opinion Pieces: Persuasive articles on current issues, demonstrating the ability to argue a clear and convincing point.
  • News Briefs: Short, concise news briefs or bulletins that convey the essentials of a story.
  • Reviews: Critical evaluations of books, films, products, or events that showcase analytical skills.

Technical Writing

Technical writing involves creating clear, precise documentation for complex topics:

  • User Manuals: Step-by-step manuals for software, hardware, or processes, focusing on clarity and usability.
  • Technical Reports: Reports that communicate technical findings, such as lab reports or project summaries.
  • API Documentation: Guides that explain how to use software or technology, including code examples and best practices.
  • White Papers: Technical papers that explore specific problems and propose solutions, often used in B2B marketing.
  • Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs): SOPs for specific processes, detailing clear instructions.
  • Process Documentation: Guides on workflows, whether for software installation or equipment operation.
  • Knowledge Base Articles: Articles for troubleshooting and best practices in a product or service.
  • Training Manuals: Instructional content designed to help users or employees learn to use a product or perform a task.


Ghostwriting can include a variety of writing types depending on the niche:

  • Books or E-Books: Sample chapters or excerpts of books, whether fiction, non-fiction, self-help, or industry-specific e-books.
  • Speeches: Sample speeches for events or presentations, capturing the voice of the person you’re writing for.
  • Social Media Posts: Content for influencers, executives, or brands, matching their tone and style.
  • Blog Posts: Posts on various topics that reflect the client’s voice while maintaining engagement and authenticity.

Niche-Specific Writing

Depending on specialized knowledge, niche-specific samples can further tailor your portfolio:

  • Educational Writing: Lesson plans, educational articles, or study guides that convey information clearly to learners.
  • Creative Writing: Short stories, poetry, or scripts for entertainment or literary content.
  • Grant Writing: Grant proposals or funding applications that are persuasive and well-structured.
  • Resume and Cover Letter Writing: Resumes, cover letters, or LinkedIn profiles that effectively market individuals.
  • Legal Writing: Legal briefs, summaries, or articles on legal topics, demonstrating knowledge and precision.

Examples of Writing Samples for Different Types of Job Applications

What Is the Best Way to Present My Writing Sample?

I highly recommend creating an online writing portfolio using a writer website builder like Writer’s Residence (it takes less than 20 minutes to set up, so why not?). We offer automated tools that let you upload writing samples and templates that make them look good on a computer (web-friendly fonts and themes designed for readability).

Putting your writing samples in a dedicated portfolio has numerous advantages:

  • You can easily link to specific writing samples that are relevant to the job application or gig you are pitching for.
  • You have an instant archive of all your work.
  • You have a portfolio URL that you can use in your email signature and on social sites like LinkedIn (you can even enhance your professionalism with a custom domain name).
  • Having a dedicated portfolio speaks to your professionalism, and remember you can create a writing portfolio even if you have no experience.

What Should My Writing Sample Look Like?

Sure, you could send a basic PDF or a link on Google Drive, but you can really enhance your presentation by using an online writing portfolio. I recommend including the following:

  • A catchy image, for example, a screenshot of your clip if you have one, or an image related to the piece.
  • A short introduction to the piece. I like to explain what the goal and outcome of the writing sample was.
  • The writing sample in full, either as text or a link to a PDF or the original publication source.

Writing Sample Examples for Job Applications and Cold Pitches:

Marketing Flyer Writing Sample

This sample was created with Writer’s Residence.

Website Copywriting Sample

Top tip: Create a screenshot of your work to preserve your writing sample for the eventuality that the website eventually changes the copy or disappears altogether.


Educational Content Writing Sample

This sample was created with Writer’s Residence.

Book Jacket Writing Sample

This sample was created with Writer’s Residence.

Mobile App Writing Sample

This sample was created with Writer’s Residence.

5 Qualities of Gig-Getting Writing Samples

  1. They should be relevant to the job and stick to guidelines where available: Research the company or organization you're applying to and align your writing sample with their needs and interests. If you're submitting your writing sample as part of a job application or project, ensure you adhere to any specific guidelines or formatting requirements provided. Failure to do so may negatively impact your chances of being considered.
  2. They should showcase your very best work: Select a writing piece that showcases your strongest skills and aligns with the type of writing you want to pursue. It should highlight your ability to captivate readers, convey information effectively, and demonstrate your expertise.
  3. They should be meticulously edited and proofread: Ensure your writing sample is free of grammatical and spelling errors. Edit for clarity, coherence, and organization. If possible, have someone else review your writing sample to provide feedback and catch any mistakes you might have missed.
  4. They should be well-presented: Focus on quality over quantity. Choose a writing sample that can be read within a reasonable timeframe. If necessary, provide an excerpt or summarize longer pieces to demonstrate your writing style effectively. Introduce your writing sample with a brief explanation of the purpose, target audience, and any relevant background information. This helps reviewers understand the context and appreciate your work better. If you can back up your work with a strong case study or some statistics, even better.
  5. They’re accompanied by a great cover letter: Your cover letter is usually the starting point for getting your foot in the door with a writing job. See below for an example of how you can use your writing portfolio in a cover letter.

Should You Send Writing Samples or Your Entire Writing Portfolio?

Stick to the guidelines and send whatever the recipient is asking for. So if the job ad says, “send us some samples of your work,” send specific samples relevant to the job. Here’s a template for wording your writing samples in an email cover letter:

Subject: Application for [Position Name] - Writing Samples Included

Dear [Hiring Manager’s Name],

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to express my interest in the [position name] at [company name] as advertised on [where you found the job posting]. With my experience in [specific writing experience or niche], I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to your team.

I have included links to a couple of my relevant writing samples below:

  • Sample 1 Title – [Brief description of the sample and its relevance to the job].
  • Sample 2 Title – [Brief description of the sample and its relevance to the job].

You can view my full online writing portfolio here, which includes additional examples of my work across various niches.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of discussing how my skills and experiences can add value to [company name].

Best regards,
[Your Name]
[Phone Number]
[LinkedIn Profile or Website URL]

If you’re cold pitching or the job advert wasn’t specific, then I still recommend sending some relevant samples. Say something along the lines of:

Here are a couple of samples of my writing on similar topics:

  • [writing sample url]
  • [writing sample url]

You can see the whole portfolio of my work at [insert writing portfolio url]

Remember, an impressive writing sample is not just about the content itself but also how well you present and package your work. Our aim with Writer's Residence is to make this effortless. If you've created your portfolio with us, here are a few tips to make your writing samples shine as brightly as possible.

Create an easy-to-use and easy-to-manage portfolio for free, with a direct line of contact to me for support and questions. Let's get your writing samples out there so you can score the job! 

How to Create a Winning Writing Sample with Writer's Residence

When you sign into Writer's Residence and add a new writing sample, you'll be presented with a page that captures all of the essential elements of a writing sample:

  • Publication Title
  • Publisher Name
  • Publication Date
  • Website address (if your sample can be linked to online)
  • Plain text excerpt (a short 160-character summary of your sample that’s shown in your full list of samples)
  • Sample text (the full text of your sample or longer summary that describes the work)
  • Attachments (PDF files, scanned images of clippings, etc.)

Tips for Optimizing Your Writing Sample to Impress Editors, Clients, and Anyone Else You Want to Impress:

  • Use the Banner Image to make your writing sample more eye-catching. If your sample is from a printed publication, I like to include a scanned image of the clipping itself to really make it pop - see this example from my article in The Writer magazine. Or you can use a representative image that describes the work - for example, in this restaurant review I've included a picture of the restaurant.
  • You can use the sample text area in a few ways. You may want to include the word-for-word copy from your sample (I do this for some printed publications but not online articles because Google tends to frown upon writing that has been duplicated on other websites). You can also use the area to describe the writing sample with full details of the sample available in a link or a download. For example, in this copywriting piece I produced for Whole Foods Market, I described the goal of the client and how my work fulfilled that goal.

How to Organize Your Writing Samples in Your Online Portfolio

When you’re editing a writing sample, Writer’s Residence has an “Advanced” tab where you can create and add to Categories. Categories are a great way to organize your work into specific topics or niches, making it even easier to share the most relevant writing samples in your job applications (for example, if you’re applying for a role as an SEO content writer, you can send them a link to the category on all your articles for “SEO Content Writing”).

Notice there’s also a tick box to “display on homepage” so you can feature your very best writing prominently on your home page.

Writing Samples FAQs

How Do I Tailor My Writing Samples for Different Types of Writing Roles (e.g., Copywriting vs. Technical Writing)?

Tailor your writing samples by focusing on the skills and formats relevant to each role. For copywriting, highlight engaging, persuasive content like ads or social media posts. For technical writing, choose samples that demonstrate clarity and detail, like user manuals or product documentation. Always match your samples to the tone and style preferred in the industry you're targeting.

What Should I Do If I Don't Have Any Relevant Writing Samples for the Job I’m Applying For?

If you lack relevant samples, create mock pieces tailored to the job. Research the company’s style and write a sample blog post, article, or any relevant piece. You can also repurpose existing work by tweaking it to better fit the desired role, demonstrating your adaptability and initiative.

How Many Writing Samples Should I Include in My Portfolio or Application?

Include at least three to five writing samples that best showcase your skills and are most relevant to the job. Quality trumps quantity—focus on pieces that highlight your strengths and demonstrate the range of your abilities without overwhelming the reader with too many choices.

What Should Ghostwriters Include in Their Online Portfolios?

Ghostwriters can include anonymized or fictionalized samples that demonstrate their writing style and versatility without revealing client details. It's also beneficial to add testimonials from clients (with permission) to showcase your professionalism and ability to capture different voices. You could also link to specific samples (articles available online written by you but credited to another) in your cover letter. If actual samples aren't possible, consider creating mock pieces that reflect your skills in various tones and formats. This approach allows ghostwriters to build a strong portfolio while respecting confidentiality agreements.

Monica Shaw

I founded Writer's Residence alongside my own journey as a professional writer in 2008. Today, I continue to work as a writer among other side hustles that contribute towards my freelance lifestyle. I write for other businesses - white papers, research reports, web content, and other forms of copywriting - as well as for pleasure on my own personal websites, and

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